Balance of Realities - Resurrection is the watch of God

Resurrection is the watch of God

Tags: sa`ah, yawm, thaniyah, lamhu'l basar

I would now like to draw your attention to the word “as-sa`ah”. It has many meanings. One is a watch or a timepiece, namely the dial through which time becomes known. Here we take it in this sense. For, among all the examples of the resurrection, it is the one through which the concept of resurrection can be taught easily. The main reason to compare resurrection with a watch is that, wherever in the Qur'an, God, the Knowing, the Wise, has mentioned resurrection, He has done so mostly by the name “yawm” (day) and “sa`ah” (hour). If, by the example in which God, the Absolute Wise, (Whose speech is extremely perfect in truth and justice), has compared the resurrection with sa`ah (watch), we mean that the event of the resurrection will come to an end in only an hour, then it is impossible logically and rationally. Further, this meaning will contradict the other meanings of the resurrection, according to which it takes place in the twinkling of an eye, one day, one thousand years, or fifty thousand years. This will make our problem more complicated, because it is impossible rationally and on the basis of proofs.

We want to demonstrate its impossibility in the light of arithmetic as follows:

lamhu'l basarthaniyahsa`ahyawm

There is only one principle for the correct solution of this problem, which is that along the order of the numbers one, two, three, four, which is the ordinal representation of the example under discussion, you should walk with your intellect in such a way that it should be exactly according to the straight path. For instance:

This is the reverse path
This is the crooked path
This too, is a crooked path
This is the straight path

Thus, this is the correct order of the resurrection, and the question, which cannot be solved according to the straight path is wrong, for the straight path is the name of this ideological balance, not of any material thing. From this balance, it is evident that the resurrection continues from the very beginning.

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