Caskets of Pearls Vol. 1 - Golden Services

Golden Services

Tags: Knowledge

  1. By the grace and beneficence of Almighty God, our extremely dear friends have rendered magnificent services in the great projects of true knowledge, which we have been mentioning from time to time. The holy Prophet says: "Everything has a chief", therefore service too, has a chief and that is the service of knowledge, which is the sovereign of all services. Al-hamdu li'llah!
  2. Life President and life governor Fath `Ali Habib is extremely fortunate that he has been attached to and has taken interest in this service of knowledge for a long time. The year 1385/1965 was very auspicious for him in that a kind friend introduced him to a darwish. Since that time, his studentship and friendship started to progress towards perfection.
  3. Mercies and blessings started to descend from the Holy Lord, that is countless majalis of knowledge took place at his house. They were magnificent and the house became full of the books of knowledge and God gave them a printing press too. The people of his house became teachers of knowledge. Allah increased His favours, and bounties of knowledge are distributed from their house, press, computer, etc. Mrs. Gulshakar, Advisor (Begum Fath `Ali), due to her angelic nature, is called the heavenly daughter of her teacher. Their three children are successful in knowledge and skills and are enriched with the wealth of faith. These three dear children are a great fortune.
  4. Joint President and life governor, Nasrullah (son of Rai Qamaruddin, son of I`tmadi Rahim) is my cordial friend since 1972. He tested the coin of knowledge and said that it is absolutely pure, Al-hamdu li'llah! My dear Nasrullah is very religious and prudent. He has inherited the zeal for religious service. His begum Amina, is a very righteous lady. It is the great favour of the benevolent Lord that their three beloved children, Yasmin, Fatimah and Amin Muhammad have the pure and wisdom-filled love for the holy ahl-i bayt. Affable Amina Nasrullah and their lovely children are working as first governors.
  5. Nasrullah's esteemed father was the Mukhi of Akala Jama`at khanah, which is in Maharashtra state (India). He was also the President of the Yeotmal Council. His begum, Alijiani Mukhiani Shirinbai has also rendered many services. Nasrullah's grandfather I`tmadi Rahim was Mukhi of Akala Jama`at khanah for six years.
  6. Our eminent friends in the Northern Areas have collectively rendered countless golden services. I have been praising their prudence, far-sightedness, high ambition and love for knowledge again and again. Today, I would like to make a special suggestion to all my friends, which is that Divine law addresses human beings in a symbolic language: Behold! Acquire knowledge with ardent love. The treasure of knowledge, the house of knowledge, the fountain of knowledge, one of your own books, the farman of 1940, the army of Israfil and their resurrecting voices, your continuous success, the open (zahiri) and hidden (batini) approval of the Imam of the time are all blessings for you to appreciate and be grateful for. Therefore, progress in knowledge with soul and heart!

N.N. (Hubb-i `Ali) Hunzai,
Saturday, 27 Safar 1420/12th June, 1999.

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