Caskets of Pearls Vol. 2 - Acknowledgements


Al-hamdu li'llahi `ala mannihi wa-ihsanihi! The second volume of the English translation of "Sanadiq-i Jawahir" – "Caskets of Pearls" is complete by the grace of Imam-i zaman. It consists of the remaining 500 questions and answers of the Urdu work. A book of this size and magnitude presented a great challenge, however the united effort and willing co-operation of several members of the Institute for Spiritual Wisdom & Luminous Science in the east and the west have once again borne fruit, for which we pray that we may be eternally grateful.

Azeem Ali Lakhani has developed a very keen eye for any shortcomings in the diacritical marks of the numerous technical words in languages such as Arabic and Farsi. Highly demanding though this exercise is, he has always fulfilled the task with great care and meticulousness. This book also contains numerous Qur'anic ayat and he has checked them too, to eliminate any mistakes.

The indices for a book such as this are an important addition to enhance its usefulness and for the ease of reference. They were done by a group who through the years have been honing their computer and technical skills. They are Asif Virani, Noor Yaqubi, Fayyaz Motani, Kamran Wali, Saher Noor, Sameera Asif and Fuad Abdul Hameed.

Zahir N. Lalani, despite the pressures of change and a new professional position, has spent many hours to enhance the readability of the text. His thorough proof reading and many suggestions have helped us to make the complex subjects easier to comprehend.

Nizar Fath Ali Habib brings his technical expertise in the printing business to bear on the elegance of the cover jacket, as well as the internal formatting of the book. His professional care and determination to bring excellence to the printed books of our organisation are note-worthy.

Last but not least, translating this book from Urdu for someone who has never attended any classes in the language, would have been impossible but for the grace and mercy of Mawlana Hazir Imam and the unstinting help of Dr. Faquir Muhammad Hunzai!

May Mawla bless all the above named members and students for their voluntary service in the cause of serving true knowledge. Future generations of readers in search of spiritual enlightenment will pray for them as we do now with all our hearts and souls. May this truly magnificent service continue in the future generations of their families and may it bring abundant barakat in their material, spiritual and intellectual lives, Amin! Ya Rabba'l-`alamin!

Rashida Noormohamed-Hunzai,
February 2016.

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