Caskets of Pearls Vol. 2 - Casket of Pearls 85
Casket of Pearls 85
Tags: Witness, Hazrat Sulayman, People of the Book,, Hazrat `Isa, Gospel, Hur
Q841 It is a very beautiful and magnificent proof that the Imam (May peace be through him) is always a witness over the people, that is, he is always present physically and spiritually amongst them because witnesses (shuhada', sing. shāhid/shahīd) have to always be present. Wherever the exalted Imam is mentioned as a witness in the holy Qur'an, there is the greatest glad tidings for his lovers that they can have his batini didar everywhere. Do you accept this reality?
- By the exalted and sublime Lord! I accept this, because for me this is the greatest luminous reality.
- Reflect carefully on the topic of witness in the Qur'an.
Q842 Some religious scholars have felt the need and importance of a new jurisprudence, but this is very difficult work. In this context we believe that the true Guide is always present in the world and his word and action is the new jurisprudence for us. He can also grant the light of the Qur'an's ta'wil to whomsoever he wishes, so that he should be certain that every action of the exalted Imam is exactly according to the will of Allah and His beloved Prophet. Is this statement true?
- Yes indeed, it is absolutely true and it is a luminous reality, because the progeny of Ibrahim (May peace be through him) and the progeny of Muhammad (May Allah send blessings and peace through him and his progeny) are the inheritors of the heavenly Book, but human beings tend to forget principles quickly.
- This is the reason why Allah swore an oath and said that human beings are in great loss (103:2).
Q843 Some ignorant non-Muslims question why Muhammad (May Allah send blessings and peace through him and his progeny) had so many wives. What is our answer to this?
- We have many Qur'anic, intellectual, logical and historical answers, but here we will not enter into a long discussion because in this book we have maintained a certain limited size for questions and answers. Thus we will confine ourselves to one historical answer.
- Hazrat Sulayman (May peace be through him) had 1000 wives, 700 of whom were princesses and 300 were concubines and the amazing thing is that the majority of his wives believed in the gods of their forefathers.35
Q844 Is there any criticism of Hazrat Sulayman (May peace be through him) in the wise Qur'an for this action? Does this depreciate his exalted position in any way?
- No, never. From Hazrat Ibrahim (May peace be through him) onwards all the Prophets and Imams are from his progeny.
- Allah has granted them all the inheritance of a heavenly book, wisdom and a great kingdom (4:54).
- The majority of people have continued to be the victims of doubt and suspicion about their Prophets and Imams because of their humanity. Therefore, it was Divine expediency and wisdom to test people by giving prominence to only one of the spiritual kings and that was Hazrat Sulayman (May peace be through him).
Q845 Who are called the 'People of the Book' in the wise Qur'an? When was this name given and why?
- The holy Qur'an refers to the Jews and Christians as the People of the Book. This name was given to them from the time of the revelation of the Qur'an.
- This is because they adhered to the previous book and they denied the revealed light (nur-i munazzal, 5:15).
- Prior to this they did not have such a name.
Q846 With reference to Surah-yi Ma'idah (5:5), please tell us whether Muslims and the People of the Book can eat each others food? Can a Muslim marry a Jewish or a Christian woman and can she retain her faith?
- Yes, Muslims and the People of the Book can eat each others food.
- A Muslim can marry a woman of the People of the Book, and if she wishes she can retain her faith.
Q847 Since we are engaged in the process of wisdom-filled questions, let us have a question about Hazrat `Isa (May peace be through him) too. Before answering the question, please read the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 1, verses 1 to 25 carefully and tell us how he was born.
- The words of the above-mentioned Gospel are as follows: "This was the way that `Isa Christ was born. His mother Mary was engaged to Joseph, but before they were married she found out that she was going to have a baby by the Holy Spirit.
- Joseph was a righteous man and he did not want to disgrace Mary publicly, so he made plans to break the engagement secretly.
- While he was thinking about this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said: 'Joseph, descendant of Dawud, do not be afraid to take Mary to be your wife. For it is by the Holy Spirit that she has conceived'."
From this luminous dream which was miraculous and very clear, inter-connected and coherent like a revelation, it is evident that Maryam's husband Joseph (Yusuf), was a spiritual person or a vicegerent (24:55). Therefore here, by the Holy Spirit is meant Joseph's subtle body, because Allah has gathered all miracles in the personal world of human beings (51:21-22).
Q848 Please explain how the Holy Spirit/Jibra'il can be in the personal world.
- The personal world is in fact an example of the world of religion therefore there is everything in it.
- There are diverse powers within a human being and among them are the Jibra'ili power, Mika'ili power, Israfili power and `Izra'ili power and when the time comes these powers do their work.
- Therefore, according to the Qur'anic verse (19:17), if Joseph's Jibra'ili power in the form of his own subtle body appeared before Maryam, why should there be cause for surprise?
Q849 It is mentioned in Surah-yi Al-i `Imran (3:59): "Verily the likeness of `Isa with Allah is as the likeness of Adam. He created him out of dust, then He said to him: 'Be!' and he was." Please tell us its wisdom.
- Allah not only created Adam (May peace be through him) and `Isa (May peace be through him) from dust but He created all human beings from the quintessence of the earth (23:12-14), so reflect carefully on the fact that the physical creation of all people is the same.
- However, the bliss of spiritual and intellectual birth is attained only by the perfect men.
- Remember that just as Hazrat `Isa (May peace be through him) had parents in the same way Hazrat Adam (May peace be through him) too, had parents.
Q850 Surah-yi Rahman, the Bride of the Qur'an contains the praise of the hurs of paradise, which one cannot doubt, but we are searching for the secrets of recognition, therefore the question is: What rank are those hurs (55:56)? Are they of the subtle body, or of the spiritual or the intellectual rank?
- Although there are hurs of every rank in paradise, this noble verse shows that they are intellectual ones in the form of the secrets of recognition.
- "Those whom prior to the people of paradise no man or jinn will have touched." (55:56) That is, these secrets of recognition and symbols of wisdom were such that no man or jinn knew them.
- The attribute of being virgin and untouched is also applicable to those hurs who are in the spiritual world and in the subtle body.
35The Holy Bible, p. 401, verse 11.
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