Forty Keys of Luminous Ta'wil - Part 22

Part 22

Tags: Bounties, Sacred Sanctuary

By the Name of Allah, the most Compassionate, the most Merciful.

It is the sacred duty of all our `azizan to reflect carefully on verse (31:20) and for its ta'wil we will have recourse to the mu'awwil of the Qur'an.

Luminous ta'wil: Do you not see in the Sacred Sanctuary that al-Hayyu'l-Qayyum has subjugated all things to you = bounties of the heavens and the earth and has completed for you all His physical and spiritual bounties?

This is a great treasure of luminous ta'wil, therefore try to read it again and again with tears of gratitude and make a habit of performing prostrations with ardent love.

The prostration with ardent love is embracing the Divine Light.
Congratulations! Congratulations!

Friday, 24-02-2006

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