Forty Keys of Luminous Ta'wil - Part 30

Part 30

Tags: Ladies of the Qur'an

By the Name of Allah, the most Compassionate, the most Merciful.

I have received very great benefits, in fact many discoveries have taken place during the writing of research papers on the ladies of the Qur'an = ladies of Khanah-yi Hikmat and the ladies of paradise. You can see in my books that this work comes at the end of my writings. This is the luminous grace and help of my Benevolent Lord. Alhamdu li'llah! I am satisfied with this sacred duty. Insha'a'llah! Everything may have taken place in the light of recognition of the Sacred Sanctuary. Khanah-yi Hikmat has published a unique book on the world of humanity, similarly, this service of pen or writing about ladies can also be extremely useful. Insha'a'llah!

Sunday, 26-02-2006

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