Forty Keys of Luminous Ta'wil - Part 6

Part 6

Tags: Parables, Holy didar, Ta'yid

By the Name of Allah, the most Compassionate, the most Merciful.

A very amazing luminous ta'wil has been discovered in verse (21:78). It must be remembered that the spiritual resurrection is the compendium of parables. That is, it comprises all the parables of the Prophets of the Qur'an, to understand each of which it is imperative to have the recognition of both the Qur'an and the resurrection.

The most important thing is the luminous ta'yid (spiritual help) of the Supreme Name. Further, just as practical `ibadat is done repeatedly, the `ibadat of knowledge must also be repeated. My regret is why did I not start writing articles much earlier with the hidden dhikr? In so doing there is the possibility of receiving luminous ta'yid. You must remember Mawla (a.s.) in diverse ways.

You must prepare yourself for his holy didar (beatific vision) by washing yourself in luminous water. That is, you must do abundant giryah-u zari (shedding tears) because through it the soul of every qa'im-shinas becomes purified.

Tuesday, 21-02-2006

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