
Surah: 002 - Ayah: 010

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related refs 17:82

The holy Qur’an says: “In their heart is a disease and God has increased their disease” (2:10). Who were these people? They were the hypocrites of the period of Prophethood. And what was the disease hidden in their heart? It was the disease of unbelief and hypocrisy, which can also be called ignorance. Thus, if unbelief and hypocrisy is a spiritual disease, it cannot be anywhere in the existence of man, except in his ethics, ideas, soul and intellect. Thus, it is correct to say that, there are five major kinds of disease: physical, ethical, ideological, spiritual and intellectual.

Book of Healing (29)

When it is evident from the Qur’an itself that unbelief and hypocrisy are the diseases of the heart (spiritual diseases) (2:10), then their only remedy and cure is that the one who suffers from these diseases should embrace islam and iman (submission and faith) wholeheartedly. From this explanation it becomes clear that, with respect to spiritual medicine, the entire Qur’an is divided into two parts. In one part, all kinds of spiritual diseases (major and minor) are mentioned and in the other, are mentioned the most effective medicines, perfect prescriptions and extremely successful methods of healing. Now God willing, you will come to know why one of the names of the wise Qur’an is “Shifa' (Healing)” (17:82).

Book of Healing (31)

The wise Qur'an has called all inner diseases the diseases of the heart or intellectual diseases (2:10). For, if the intellect falls sick then the soul, ideology, ethics and body, all automatically fall sick. The reason for this is that intellectual sickness is nothing but ignorance, whose influence causes many physical and spiritual diseases. Contrary to this, if the intellect is sound and healthy, the health of other things is possible. It is not strange for the wise people that vegetables depend on the vegetative soul, animals on the animal soul and the edifice of the human existence is founded on the basis of intellect.

Book of Healing (97)

This verse has been referred 4 times.