
Surah: 002 - Ayah: 022

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Thamarat (fruits) are mentioned in the Qur'an sixteen times, in which are hidden the meanings of knowledge; fakihah (fruit) is mentioned eleven times and fawakih (pl. of fakihah) three times, and are used in the sense of knowledge, ukul (fruit), qutuf (pl. of qitf, fruit), janiyy (freshly picked fruit), all are similitudes of knowledge, as the Wise Qur'an says: "...And He caused water to pour down from the heaven, thereby producing fruits as food for you..." (2:22). That is, when the rain of heavenly knowledge poured on the soil of your heart, various kinds of fruits of knowledge were produced.

Practical Sufism and Spiritual Science (9)

This verse has been referred 1 times.