
Surah: 002 - Ayah: 056

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related refs 2:60, 5:20, 7:155, 7:160

Q280 It is said that the Qur’an mentions the hudud-i din (religious hierarchy) everywhere. Could you give us a verse in which they are mentioned?


  • Study the well-known book Wajh-i Din of Hakim Pir Nasir-i Khusraw, may his secret be sanctified.
  • Some examples of the subsidiary hudud of the fourth natiq are: They were revived spiritually after dying before the physical death (2:56; 7:155).
  • The children of Israel had become kings being cast in the spiritual mould of the hudud-i din (5:20). Hazrat Moses(c) was the natiq, the staff was the ism-i aczam, the venerable rock was the asas and the twelve springs were the twelve hujjats (2:60; 7:160).
Casket of Pearls Vol 1 (137)

This verse has been referred 4 times.