Surah: 002 - Ayah: 102
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The Divine law (sunnat) and the natural law is the same thing, examples of which are found both in man or the personal world and the world of religion. In the personal world, for instance, when the affectionate mother wants to persuade her suckling child to milk, she says: "My dear, this nipple is beautiful and the milk is very sweet." But when she wants to wean him, she blackens the nipple and says: "Pooh, pooh', it has become bad. I don't know what has happened to it" etc. This example is quite thought-provoking for the people of wisdom. They can be sure that even in the spiritual and intellectual upbringing, the (Divine) Nurse of power and mercy (dayah-i qudrat-u rahmat) has the same habit or law.
In the world of religion, this law is mentioned in the Qur'an as the principle of abrogator (nasikh) and abrogated (mansukh) (2:102) and effacement of a thing and establishment of another thing (13:39). Thus this law exists not only in the personal world, but also in the world of religion so that there should not be any impediment in the progress of knowledge and gnosis (22:78).
Malakayn (Two angels, Harut and Marut)
It is said in verse (2:102): “And (they followed) that which was revealed to the two angels, Harut and Marut, at Babil.” The esoteric aspect of this verse is related to spiritual science, the laboratory of which is the personal world. Thus, those two trying angels still exist potentially or actually. These angels have many other renowned names.
You do not need to fear black magic. First of all, its acquisition is not as easy as it is thought. For the Qur'an alludes that real magic is learnt either from the jinns, which are linked with the kingdom of Sulayman, or from the two angels known as Harut and Marut. Further, even if someone from among millions of people attains it, he cannot harm anyone without God's permission (2:102). Thus those fortunate ones who sincerely believe in God and His law, come to His refuge for protection, not only from magic but from all evils. This refuge has four conditions: light of knowledge, intention, word and deed. These are the guarantee of prevention of every kind of evil and of Divine protection for all people.
This verse has been referred 4 times.