
Surah: 002 - Ayah: 140

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related refs 2:42, 3:71, 4:37

Question: Approximately twenty years ago, for the sake of knowledge a sincere mumin asked: “can, for the benefit of others, some spiritual observations and experiences be disclosed, or not?” with great humility I told him that this has two different aspects. Firstly, if someone does not have exoteric and esoteric (spiritual) knowledge, then he should not discuss his experiences of unripe spirituality with others. This is strictly prohibited. Secondly, if a mumin through obedience to God, the Prophet and the Imam of the time has progressed to such a profound level of knowledge and spirituality that his silence now about such a great testimony from God, in the sight of the Holy Quran (2:140) becomes a great injustice. How can he then conceal such a great testimony? For it is said in the Quran and in the Hadith that if you have the truth, then you should speak out and not conceal it (2:42; 3:71; 4:37). “Speak the truth, even if it is against you.” (Hadith).

Pure Intellect 5-6

Q407 According to verse (2:140), it is a great injustice to conceal the testimony of truth and veracity, and knowledge and wisdom. What do you say about this?


  • Chu yabi mahrami ba u bigu fash
  • Wa laykin raz pinhan kun zi awbash
  • When you find a confidant, tell him openly
  • Otherwise, conceal the secret from the riff-raff.
  • If you can explain your testimonies in the language of the wisdom of the Qur’an and the hadith, then this is the best way of explanation and the highest service for knowledge.
Casket of Pearls Vol 1 (195)

This verse has been referred 2 times.