
Surah: 002 - Ayah: 146

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related refs 6:20

In the verse (2:146), it is said: "Those unto whom We gave the Book (Torah, Gospel) recognize him (the Prophet) as they recognize their sons". This is related to the time when the people of the Book used to follow the right path in their respective times, when the light of the Prophet was continuing in the line of the Prophets and Imams from the progeny of Ibrahim. Thus they had recognized the Prophet in luminosity (nuraniyyat), as their sons. And it is true that the light has many relations, for it works like the string of a necklace of pearls.

Sweet Smelling 84

Q. 12. If it is accepted that Hazrat Maryam is an example of our great Hujjats and Pirs, what example is among them of giving birth to a great prophet, as Hazrat Maryam did?
Ans.12. We are not discussing here the position of Hazrat Maryam as a woman, but as a Hujjat or the spiritual wife of the Imam. In this respect, she is an example like any of the like any of the great Hujjats or Pirs. Just as Hazrat Maryam gave birth to a great prophet, they gave birth to the light of the age in their personal world and in the world of dawat. Nevertheless, this Light does not have just one aspect. It has many aspects and relations, as mentioned in the Qur’an: “Those unto whom We gave the Scripture recognize him (the Prophet) as they recognize their sons.”(2:146).

Pearls of marifat. 64-65

In the cycles of Hazrat Musa and Hazrat `Isa, may peace be on them, certain darwish-like mu'mins had also succeeded in attaining the place of spirituality, due to which they were able to see and recognise the heavenly book with their inner eye. Therefore, the wise Qur’an gave them this name: “Those unto whom We gave the Book” (2:146; 6:20), for both externally and internally, the act of giving of the Book by God had become complete for them. Thus such pure sufis were able to recognise the light of Prophethood like their kith and kin, that it was going to manifest in the pure and sacred personality of the holy Prophet (2:146; 6:20).

Book of Healing (83)

Ya'rifuna (They recognise/will recognise)

The people of the Book went astray later on. Previously there used to be among them hudud-i din and 'arifs, who had recognised the holy Prophet in spirituality and luminosity. The light which manifests itself in the personal world has many examples and relations. Therefore, sometimes that light can tell the 'arifs: "I am your son". The 'arifs had recognised the holy Prophet according to this example. Study verses (2:146; 6:20) carefully.

Thousand Wisdoms 987 (513)

Q485 It is implied in verses (2:146; 6:20) that the people of the Book used to recognise the holy Prophet as they used to recognise their sons. However, some among them were such that they used to conceal the truth knowingly. Would you kindly explain the wisdom of this?


  • A great secret is hidden here that the hujjats of the cycles of Hazrat Moses(c) and Hazrat Jesus(c) used to recognise the single light of the Prophets and Imams in their spirituality, in which the recognition of the holy Prophet was included too.
  • An carif has various relationships with the light. One of them is that the light says to the carif: “I am your son”. During the physical life this recognition is confined to the personal world. Thus, among the people of the Book this recognition of the holy Prophet was because of the hudud-i din [of those cycles].
Casket of Pearls Vol 1 (233)

This verse has been referred 4 times.