
Surah: 002 - Ayah: 174

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related refs 3:77

The heavy burdens which are hidden in the earth of the personal world are the particles of the representative souls of the entire world. They have to be taken out by shaking them with the powers of Israfil and Izrail in every such Resurrection, which is both personal and universal and many secrets are hidden in this grand act.
  When this wondrous event occurs to a mumin, he will definitely ask with astonishment what is happening to him. It is not a Prophetic revelation, but God will reveal to the earth of his heart the revelation of Awliya (Awliyai- wahy) and of recognition (irfani wahy), due to which, he will relate his state, namely the secrets of the recognition of his own self and that of God. God has promised that on the Day of Resurrection, He will speak to those who follow His command and grant them His vision, by the blessing of which they will be purified. (2:174; 3:77)

Spring Of knowledge 51

Yukallimuhum (He speaks/will speak to them)

Study verses (2:174; 3:77) very minutely. There is a great wisdom in these verses that on the Day of Resurrection, God will speak to some and will not speak to others. Obviously those who will listen to the Divine speech will be purified.

Question: But when will this event take place? Answer: It will happen in the individual resurrection, and in the collective resurrection, i.e. in the cycle of spirituality and after physical death.

Thousand Wisdoms 993 (516)

Yukallimuhum (He speaks/will speak to them)

On the Day of Resurrection, God will speak to some people, and grant them the lasting wealth of His holy didar, by the blessing of which, they will be purified. He will not speak to others, nor will He look at them. (2:174; 3:77)

Thousand Wisdoms 994 (517)

The ta’wili meaning of verses (2:174; 3:77) is that on the Day of Resurrection some people because of their disobedience will be deprived of hearing the speech of God and the vision of His countenance and due to this will not be purified. On the other hand, some will be blessed with hearing His speech and seeing His countenance, by which they will be perfectly purified. This means that the Word of God (kalimah-i bari) is the supreme fountainhead of knowledge and wisdom, and in His vision is hidden the supreme treasure. And it is at this place where the intellect is purified to the ultimate end.

Fruits of Paradise (88)

This verse has been referred 2 times.