
Surah: 002 - Ayah: 186

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I, who am less than the dust under the feet of the dignitaries of religion, cannot explain the virtues of prayer, as they ought to be explained. Having melted through `ibadat-u bandagi and abundant dhikr, search in and reflect carefully on the Qur'anic prayers directly, which will result in this purport of the wise Qur’an: “God, the Exalted, accepts the prayer of His servants (Muslims and mu'mins) every time and always” (2:186). The spiritual benefit is alluded to more and more in this acceptance. Physical comfort is not that important, as the body is created to bear various kinds of difficulties and hardship, so that the soul may benefit. In other words, the body has to suffer afflictions and pain, again and again, for the sake of spiritual progress, so that the prayer is made in the state of giryah-u zari, self-effacement and annihilation and inner diseases are eradicated. Contrary to this, if only the physical diseases or any other physical difficulty were removed by prayer, how would it have been possible to have a separate prayer for the removal of spiritual diseases? For, it is the most difficult matter for every person to realise and feel his spiritual diseases, because the diseases of the intellect and soul are not visible, they are known only to the people of the inner eye.

Book of Healing (76)

Study verse (2:186), the explanation of the purports of which is: No servant of God can attain His proximity by his own struggle. But, it is the Prophet, through whose mediation the servants of God attain His proximity and their prayers are accepted in His presence, in the sense that their internal difficulties are always solved and sometimes their physical difficulties also. Thus, such servants of God, acting upon the Divine commands, should listen to the spirit and spirituality of the Qur’an and accept them, so that they may reach the perfect level of faith and attain the perfect light of rectitude and guidance. If this bliss is attained, it should be known that the spiritual diseases are coming to an end.

Book of Healing (77)

This verse has been referred 1 times.