
Surah: 002 - Ayah: 285

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The Qur'anic verse (2:285) alludes that there is no difference in the spirituality of the great Prophets and Imams. Their spirituality is common. Had it not been so, they would have been unaware of each other’s status and ma'rifat would have been portioned into parts and nobody’s marifat and spirituality would have been perfect.

100 Q&A (128)

Q109 Would you kindly explain the wisdom of verse (2:285): “We make no distinction between any one of Our Messengers.”

A109 Although the personal ranks of the Messengers are different, there is no difference in the light of guidance that they have for their communities. There is equality among them in this respect, because it is the right of the people of every time that they should have complete guidance.

Casket of Pearls Vol 1

The perfect and complete manifestation of prophethood took place took place in his pure personality. In this sense the Quran says: “They say: We make no distinction between any of His messengers” (2:285). This means that had the spiritual observations and spiritualism of the great prophets been apportioned and no-one would have had them completely. But this is not true. The fact is the holy Prophet, in any case, had the spiritual virtues of Adam. That is to say that angels had also prostrated to him as they had done to Adam for God had also breathed His spirit in him.

Pearls of Marifat (Part1) 42

This verse has been referred 3 times.