
Surah: 003 - Ayah: 076

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related refs 38:28, 3:31, 3:134, 3:146, 3:159, 5:42, 9:108, 42:51,

The wisdom-filled verses (3:76-77) allude that on the Day of Resurrection, the Benevolent Lord will speak to the righteous, He will look on them with mercy and purify them. In the light of the Wise Qur'an you know that one great rank of the Divine Speech is (in the form of) the silent didar (42:51) and this kind of didar is obtained at the place of inbiath and ibda.

Precious Treasures 98

There is piety on one side and impiety on the other. Piety contains all the meanings of religion. Therefore, God loves the pious (3:76) but no impious and immoral person can be a friend of God (38:28).

Book of Healing (114)

It is necessary to know that God loves mu’mins in two ways: One is in the general sense and the other is in a special sense. In the above Hadith we see that only four people are mentioned as being loved by God and this shows that this love is in a special sense, in which the glory of the wilayat of Mawla cAli shines. In the light of this Hadith study the relevant verses of the Holy Qur’an to see whom God loves. You will find that He loves those that are righteous ("muttaqin", 3:76), those who follow the Prophet (3:31), those who do good ("muhsinin", 3:134), those that have high ambition and are patient ("sabirin", 3:146), those who have trust in God ("mutawakkilin", 3:159), those who are just ("muqsitin", 5:42) and those who are pure ("mutahhirin", 9:108).

Fruits of Paradise (144)

This verse has been referred 4 times.