
Surah: 004 - Ayah: 028

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It is said in verse (4:28): "And man is created weak". What a great light of a tremendous and comprehensive truth is contained in this Divine teaching, by seeing which the eye of intellect is dazzled! After this Qur'anic decree, none of the countries, nations, tribes and individuals can, in a true sense, claim that they are powerful, because all are weak and powerless and their history is full of such weaknesses and failures. Therefore, we should look at our past and see where we were in the beginning. What was our status? What was our position in knowledge and skill? To what kind of work were we related? etc.

Sweet Smelling 71

“Ar-Rabb” originally means “to bring up”, that is, to make something grow and gradually evolve to the level of perfection (Mufradatu'l-Qur’an, p. 189). Thus, in true sense this act of God can be applicable only to man. For, among all the creatures, it is only man, who can be the vicegerent and deputy of God on earth. That is, due to (Divine) expediency and wisdom, man is initially created weak (4:28), so that, through the heavenly upbringing which is in the Qur’an and Islam, he may gradually progress, until he may attain the special closeness of God, the Sustainer and recognise that His bounties are foods as well as medicines.

Book of Healing (34)

This verse has been referred 2 times.