
Surah: 004 - Ayah: 136

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Study verse (4:136) carefully in which, even after believing in Islam, God is addressing the Muslims: “O you who believe! Believe”. It is obvious that this belief is not like that of unbelievers, in that it is an affirmation after negation. Contrary to this, here “to believe”, means to believe after believing. In this Divine command although the word “belief” (Iman) is the same, the meaning and interpretation cannot be the same, for those people who are yearning to progress in faith are at different stages on the straight path. Thus, the explanation of the command “O you who believe! Believe” will not be alike, rather it would be according to the different stages of faith, for with respect to faith, people cannot be alike. Iman continues to increase step by step from the beginning to the end of the straight path and where marifat reaches its climax, faith (Iman) also does so.

100 Q&A (148)

Iman (faith) and Yaqin (certainty): Iman consists of many stages from the beginning to the end, but the stage of yaqin comes after sufficient progress in Iman, because the primary meaning of Iman is to believe and yaqin means recognition. Thus, where Iman progresses, it is called yaqin, as mentioned in verse (4:136): "O you who believe, believe!" i.e. O you who have initial Iman, attain yaqin (certainty).

Practical Sufism and Spiritual Science (93-94)

cAqidah is faith (iman):

It should also be noted that caqidah is another name of such a faith (iman) which is primordial in nature and is called “to believe (bawar karna)” in the lexicon. As God says: “O you who believe! believe in Allah and His Messenger” (4:136).

It asks the people who had earlier accepted the fundamentals of the religion just on the basis of caqidah, to have faith in the light of realities and recognitions and to become true mu’mins. Thus, religion demands that in the first stage people should accept the holy sayings and the related traditions of God, the Prophet and the custodian of Divine command by considering those as firm belief and later they should gradually make their faith perfect in the light of realities and recognitions.

Treasure of Knowledge (16)

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