
Surah: 004 - Ayah: 163

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related refs 17:55, 8:17

Q. There is no doubt that the Psalms are a heavenly and revealed Book, but what is the secret behind the fact that from cover to cover it contains only the versified speech of Hazrat Da'ud?

A. In the Holy Qur'an(4:163; 17:55), it is mentioned that God gave Hazrat Da'ud,the Psalms. Hazrat Da'ud,who was His vicegerent, attained the status of fana'fi llah again and again by shedding tears of ardent love and as mentioned in the Hadith-i nawafil, in that state the most Benevolent Lord became his tongue and speech. Thus in zahir the Psalms are a collection of the songs of praise and prayer, etc. of Hazrat Da'udand in bat in they are the speech of God. The Qur'anic proof of this is verse (8:17): "And you did not throw (the dust) but Allah did it." This shows that the speech and action of the Prophet and the Imam become God's speech and action. Thus without doubt the Psalms are a heavenly Book.

Psalm of lovers 39

Zabur (A book, written)

Some people think that the word cishq (love) is not mentioned anywhere in the wise Qur’an, nor can it be used for God. I would like to say that the holy Qur’an not only mentions the synonyms of cishq (love), but that it also testifies to a heavenly Book, which from the beginning to the end, contains nothing but Divine love and its means, and that Book is the Zabur (Psalms) of Hazrat Dawud (4:163; 17:55).

Thousand Wisdoms 402 (218)

This verse has been referred 2 times.