
Surah: 005 - Ayah: 067

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The Ultimate Purpose of the Message of the Qur’an

“''Ya ayyuha’r-rasulu balligh ma unzila ilayka mir-rabbika, wa-il- lam tafcal fa-ma ballaghta risalatahu, wa’llahu yacsimuka mina’n-nas'' = O Messenger! Convey that which has been revealed unto you from your Lord. If you did not, then you did not convey His message. And (do not be afraid!) Allah will protect you from humankind” (5:67).

This verse was brought by the Trustworthy Jibra’il, at the place of Hajfah, which is situated at a distance of three miles from Ghadir-i Khumm, when the Prophet after completing the farewell pilgrimage, was returning to Madinah. This Shicah narration is also found in the books of some truth-loving Sunni savants. Here we quote a marginal note from the translation of the Qur’an, p.188 by Farman cAli, a Shicah commentator. He says: “Ibn Abi Hatim has narrated from Abu Sa‘id Khudari that this verse was revealed about Hadrat cAli at Ghadir-i Khumm. Based on this, Ibn Mardawayh has narrated from Ibn Mascud that this verse used to be recited during the life time of the Prophet as follows: ''Ya ayyuha’r-rasulu balligh ma unzila ilayka mir-rabbika anna cAliyyan mawla’l-mu’minina, wa il-lam tafcal…''= O Messenger! Convey the command that has been revealed to you about cAli, that he is the Mawla (master) of the mu’mins. If you did…” (Tafsir-i Durr-i Manthur, by Jalalu’d-Din Suyuti, a Sunni commentator (Misr, n.d.) III, 398).

Du'a Essence of Ibadat (47)

This verse has been referred 2 times.