
Surah: 006 - Ayah: 006

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related refs 11:52, 71:11

Midrar (Showering abundant rain, pouring, the heaven of spirituality)

Study verses (6:6; 11:52; 71:11) so that you may be certain that God can send the pouring heaven of given knowledge on His chosen servants, as He says: "He sends upon you heaven pouring abundant rain." (11:52).

Thousand Wisdoms 803 (422)

The other proof is that it is unanimously accepted that there are eight kinds of paradise. Thus, it is true that these are the eight kinds of celestial and terrestrial spiritual paradise, just as it has already been mentioned that the abode of the Hereafter is living. Since humankind is the model of life and the living in the true sense are the Prophets and awliya (Imams), therefore it is they who are the paradises and heavens for their communities. Further, there is no doubt that paradise is in the heaven and the heaven is the Prophet and the wali, as God, with respect to this reality, says: “And We sent (arsalna) to them the heaven showering abundant rain” (6:6). It is obvious that the phrase “We sent (arsalna)” is used for the Prophet, not for the vast space. And by the “rain” is meant the flow of knowledge.

Balance of Realities (74)

This verse has been referred 3 times.