Surah: 006 - Ayah: 076
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Muqinin (The sure ones)
It is said in verse (6:76): "Thus did We show Ibrahim the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, so that he may be of those who possess certainty (yaqin)." In view of the eminence of the rank of Hazrat Ibrahim, we can say that here are mentioned those who have attained the truth of certainty.
Yaqin (The truth of certainty, the ultimate stage of certainty)
Verse (6:76) says: "Thus did We show Ibrahim the kingdom (malakut) of the heavens and the earth, so that he could be of those who possess certainty (muqinin)." That is, God showed Hazrat Ibrahim the magnificent kingdom of the heavens and the earth of the personal world completely. This observation was for the sake of perfect certainty (complete recognition), which is not possible without the Divine vision. In (6:76) there is an allusion to the Divine vision both in the word malakut as well as in muqinin. The observation of malakut happened not only in this world, but also in the Hand of God (23:88; 36:83). And the muqinin (people of certainty) become fana’ fi’llah due to the Divine vision.
Q338 What is the secret of recognition in Hazrat Abraham(c)’s saying “I do not love the setting ones (afilin, 6:76)”?
A338 There is an allusion to the specific recognition of the Universal Soul, who transcends rising and setting.
This verse has been referred 9 times.