
Surah: 006 - Ayah: 113

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Shayatin (sing. Shaytan) (Intractable and evil people from among mankind and jinn)

Every Messenger has enemies from among mankind and jinn (6:113). It is a great secret of Divine wisdom that the trial and tribulation of the Perfect Man is not possible without this.

'-Thousand Wisdoms 487 (259)

It is strange to say that Satan had a great deal of knowledge, because if he had true knowledge, he would not have gone astray. It is even possible that he had done a great deal of cibadat and many things which are called knowledge, but which have no reality as such and this is implied in the blessed verse in the Wise Qur’an that says that the Satans from mankind and jinn know nothing except gilded discourses (which are empty of inner meanings) (6:113).

Fruits of Paradise (152)

This verse has been referred 3 times.