
Surah: 007 - Ayah: 157

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The subject of lawful (halal) and unlawful (haram) is vast and one of the all-inclusive subjects of Islam. In this connection how can a distinction be made between those things which are lawful according to the Prophet of Islam and those which are unlawful, without medical analysis and research. Thus the spiritual physician with his inner eye saw the characteristic and efficacy of everything and in view of physical and spiritual health he ordained the useful things as lawful and harmful things as unlawful. As is mentioned in verse (7:157): "And he makes lawful for them all good things, and he prohibits for them only the unclean things". And the purity and impurity of these things is more in a spiritual sense (batin) than in a physical sense.

Rubies and Pearls 75

This verse has been referred 8 times.