Caskets of Pearls Vol. 2 - Casket of Pearls 69

Casket of Pearls 69

Tags: Speaking Book, Qiyamat, Qarz-i Hasanah, Loan of Knowledge

Q681 You keep saying that all people will go to heaven, whereas from the above () we have learnt that this is impossible for most people. What is the answer to this?

  • Allah is the Omnipotent and He can make the impossible possible. Therefore, when the Imam (May peace be through him) resurrects the qiyamat (17:71) by Allah's command, at that time every carnal soul smashes into particles and in such a state the camel of arrogance and pride is reduced to smithereens, i.e. smashed into particles.
  • Now the gates of the heaven of the personal world will open for all people and they all enter paradise.

Q682 A noble hadith says: "Ana daru'l-hikmati wa `Aliyyun babuha = I am the house of wisdom and `Ali is its door."18 Please tell us which noble verse of the Qur'an is explained by this? Is it also related to the Verse of Obedience (4:59)? What is this wisdom?

  • This magnificent hadith is the clear explanation of the Verse of Imam-i mubin (36:12).
  • It is certainly also the explanation of the Verse of Obedience (4:59).
  • This wisdom is luminous and Qur'anic, that is, it is ta'wil.

Q683 Is it possible for you to explain to us how Allah has encompassed and enumerated everything in the Imam-i mubin?

  • God willing! It should be remembered that these are all subtle things, which Allah enfolds or encompasses, that is, He encompasses the essence of the universe in the form of souls and intellects in the Imam-i mubin.
  • The Qur'an also calls the essences of the universe the fruits of all things in verse (28:57), which is a very great symbol of how in Allah's creation the fruit of everything is pulled towards His house and enters it, i.e., the Imam-i mubin.
  • In this way the Qur'anic fruits also continue to come towards the spiritual sanctuary (Imam).

Q684 We are aware that you are cautious about the event of your qiyamat, however whatever of its secrets you have talked about or whatever realities and recognitions have been written about, have brought a revolution of knowledge firstly amongst our friends. Therefore we request you to tell us more about spirituality and spiritual science.

  • May Allah bless every mu'min with success in recognising his own soul, because this is the biggest wealth, in fact the biggest of all treasures.
  • Whatever is seen or experienced in the personal world is spiritual science. Especially since the Qur'an verifies it, why should we not sacrifice ourselves repeatedly for it and the Imam? There is no heavenly Book to verify the views or beliefs of material science. Nonetheless, the great benefit of spiritual science is for the soul.

Q685 "Al-kitabu la rayba fih = the Book in which there is no doubt" (2:2; 10:37; 32:2). Which book is this?

  • The book in which there is no doubt is the Speaking Book/Speaking Qur'an (Imam-i mubin), in which there is only certainty.
  • Why is there no doubt in that book rather, there is only certainty? The reason for it is that it speaks by itself and explains the reality, because it is the revealed light (5:15).

Q686 In several verses of the wise Qur'an it is stated: "There is no doubt in the day of qiyamat". What does it mean?

  • It means that in it is the manifestation of the eye of certainty and the truth of certainty, which is why there is no doubt in it.
  • Qiyamat is the name of the demonstrations of light and that is the spiritual work of the Imam (May peace be through him), which is given to him by Allah. Therefore, the Imam himself is the day of qiyamat in spirituality and for those fortunate people who see these miracles of the Imam, their remaining doubts and confusions disappear.

Q687 Many names of qiyamat are mentioned in the wise Qur'an. Are all of them for the Imam in ta'wil? If this is the case, please give us an example.

  • Since the Imam himself is qiyamat in his luminosity, therefore every single name of it in the holy Qur'an is for him.
  • One example of it is: "... wa bi'l-akhirati hum yuqinun" (2:4), that is, they are certain of the Hereafter, which is, the Imam.

Q688 The question is related to Surah-yi A`raf (7:157): "... wa't-taba`un-Nura'lladhi unzila ma`ahu ... (and they follow the light which is sent down with him (the Prophet)." What is meant by this light?

  • This light is Hazrat `Ali (May peace be through him), who is the light of Imamat and the heir of the Prophet and the Speaking Qur'an.
  • In this noble verse it is necessary to reflect on the words from "Alladhina" to "nasaruhu", where every word praises the holy Prophet because the Qur'an was revealed to him.
  • The light which was revealed with the Prophet is mentioned in allusions after the mention of the Qur'an, which is revealed to him.
  • This means that prior to Adam (May peace be through him), Muhammad (May Allah send blessings and peace through him and his progeny) and `Ali (May peace be through him) were a united light, whom you can call one as well as two.19

Q689 There is a noble hadith: "Inna `Aliyyan minni wa ana min `Aliyyin wa huwa waliyyu kulli mu'minin wa mu'minatin ba`di la yu'addi `anni dayni illa `Aliyy". Please give us the wisdom-filled translation of this Prophetic saying.
A689 "(In this great cycle) `Ali is from me and I am from `Ali and after me he is the master of command for every mu'min and mu'minah and nobody other than `Ali will pay my loan on my behalf (that is, only `Ali will pay the loan of knowledge and wisdom to the people on my behalf)."20

Q690 Please explain how the loan of knowledge and wisdom of the Prophet can be proven?

  • There are several verses in the wise Qur'an in which it is commanded to give Allah a good loan (qarz-i hasanah). Fulfilling this command means that Allah and the Prophet truly become indebted to the people of faith.
  • The explanation of the Verse of Bay`at (48:10) is in Surah-yi Tawbah (9:111): "Verily Allah has purchased from the faithful their selves and their properties in return for the garden of paradise." If this is the case, Allah becomes indebted to the faithful and the Prophet on His behalf, and the Imam (May peace be through him) of the time on the Prophet's behalf.

18Tirmidhi, p. 847, hadith 3723.
19Kawkab-i Durri, Chapter 2, manqabat 1, p. 152.
20 Ibid., manqabat 4, p. 153.

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