
Surah: 007 - Ayah: 184

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related refs23:25, 23:70, 34:46,

Nother example which is necessary to mention in this connection is that of a mad person. Mad, in Arabic, is called majnun and madness junun. The word ‘junun’ comes from jinn (Satan). This means that junun or madness is caused by the Satan, as in the Quran (7:184; 23:25,70; 34:46) the word Jinnah is used in the sense of junun (madness). The same order of the words also exists in Persian. Mad is called diwanah (majnun), madness diwangi (junun) and satan diw (jinn). Thus whether the word is majnun or diwanah, in any case it is the Satan who causes the junun or diwangi (madness). As the holy Quran says: “The Khannas (Satan) who causes the waswasah (junun, diwangi) uin the hearts of the mankind is of the jinn and of mankind.” (64:4-6).

Pearl Of Marifat (Part 1) 16

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