
Surah: 008 - Ayah: 041

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FIVE: There are five spiritual hudud: The Pen, the Tablet, Israfil, Mikail and Jibril, and five physical hudud: Nadiq, Asas, Imam, Hujat and Dai. There are also five external and senses. It should be remembered that there are three examples of attaining spiritual knowledge by one of the hudud-I din: (1) He was doing jihad in the path of Islam, in which infidels were defeated and he received ghanimat in great quantity; or (2) he found a treasure, or (3) he discovered a mine of gems, from which he has to take out one fifth, which for the sake of God’s pleasure has to be spent for the religious goal of the five physical hudud (8:41).

Sublime Realities 71

This verse has been referred 2 times.