
Surah: 010 - Ayah: 025

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related refs 59:23, 24:35

It is mentioned in verse (10:25): “And Allah calls to the abode of peace (daru’s-salam).” From this verse it is evident that this world is not the abode of peace. There are many states here which are contrary to peace. Thus, God invites people to daru’s-salam (abode of peace). Daru’s-salam in one sense is Paradise and in another sense is God Himself, because as-Salam is one of the names of God (59:23). This, in fact, is an invitation (da`wat) to fana’ fi’llah and baqa’ bi’llah which is the supreme da`wat, just as there is sayr ila’llah (to walk toward Allah) and then sayr fi’llah (to walk in Allah). And this concept is exactly in accordance with the verse in which it is mentioned that Allah is the light of the entire universe (24:35).

Book of Healing (8)

Jiran Allah (The neighbours of Allah)

It is mentioned in verse (10:25): "And Allah calls (you) to the abode of peace." In the light of this verse, the importance of the abode of peace (daru's-salam) increases among the other paradises. And it is mentioned in a Hadith: "Enter paradise, you are neighbours of God in daru's-salam." (Daci’im, II, 325). There is extremely amazing wisdom in this Hadith. Nothing is impossible for Almighty God, and therefore, those mu'mins who have attained the rank of the truth of certainty are the neighbours of God.

Thousand Wisdoms 259 (139)

Salam (Abode of eternal peace, paradise)

It is said in verse (10:25): "And Allah invites to the abode of peace", which is the personal world of the Imam-i mubin in this world as well as in the next, and it is his personal world which is the living paradise full of the treasures of intellect, knowledge and wisdom.

Thousand Wisdoms 445 (240)

This verse has been referred 6 times.