
Surah: 010 - Ayah: 100

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According to the purport of verse (10:100) stupidity and ignorance are impurity and disease, which can be cured only by the intellect and knowledge.

Book of Healing (177)

Q428 In verse (10:100), it is said: “And He lays abomination upon those who have no intellect.” What kind of lack of intellect is condemned so severely? Does this judgement not automatically prove the very great praise of religious intellect? Is the highest purification by the intellect alone?


  • Here, the one who remains ignorant of religious realities and recognitions is severely condemned.
  • Indeed, the very great praise of religious intellect is established by this judgement.
  • Why not, the highest purification is attained by the intellect and wisdom.
Casket of Pearls Vol 1 (205)

This verse has been referred 5 times.