
Surah: 011 - Ayah: 048

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related refs 4:54, 17:71, 21:69

Hazrat Nuh, in addition to an external deluge, was also passing through a spiritual deluge. When the spiritual deluge subsided, God commanded him: "It was said (unto him): 0 Nuh! Come down with peace (salam) from Us, and blessings on thee and on those peoples who are with thee" (11:48). Salam (ta'yld) is a very great thing. It is because of this that, first, the Perfect Men are tried strictly and then they are granted the wealth of luminous ta'yid. You can see that Hazrat Nuh received the salam or ta'yid of God after passing through great and arduous trials, and similarly, Hazrat Ibrahim. (21:69).

Precious Treasures 71

Q310 When God selected Adam(c), Noah(c), the descendants of Abraham(c) and the descendants of cImran(c) from the people of the entire world, what did they, by the command of God, do for the people of the world?

A310 The overall purpose of this selection is guidance.

  • The sacred door of the supreme Name and the best names opened for the people of faith through Hazrat Adam(c). Simultaneously with the spreading of the light of the science of names (cilmu’l-asma’), the chain of the favours of the major and minor vicegerency started. Study the story of Hazrat Adam(c) in the Qur’an with wisdom.
  • Hazrat Noah(c) presented the example of the ark of salvation (kishti-yi najat) to the people. The world of humanity was filtered through the sieve of his personal world. As a result of the deluge of spirituality, he brought countless blessings for humanity (11:48). Further, he gave the concept of the laden ark and acted upon and demonstrated the essential sharicat.
  • The favours of the descendants of Abraham(c) are also exceedingly great. The Book, wisdom and the very great kingdom (4:54) are kept in the world of religion or the personal world in the name of this holy family.
  • The descendants of cImran(c) are the descendants of Muhammad(s). Each of them underwent a resurrection (17:71), in order to make the people of their time enter into their personal world to eventually give them salvation and to make all of them enter paradise.
Casket of Pearls Vol 1 (150)

This verse has been referred 5 times.