
Surah: 011 - Ayah: 070

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related refs 28:18, 28:21, 20:21, 20:67, 38:22

One may ask why it was that when some angels came to Hazrat Ibrahim he felt fear in his heart (11:70); that Hazrat Musa felt fear on several occasions (28:18,21; 20:21,67) and that Hazrat Dawud too was afraid of angels (38:22), when we know that the friends of God fear none save God?
The answer to the above is:
(a) These Prophets were awe-struck by the majesty and greatness of spiritual miracles and not by worldly things.
(b) The life of the Prophets and Imams is a practical example of the ascension and evolution that people are expected to emulate. Thus the wisdom and expediency lay in the fact that initially in a way they should have fear, then God would tell them "Do not fear!" and after this they transcend worldly fear. Had this not been so one of the wisdom-filled names of God would not have been "Dhi’l-ma'arij" (Lord of ladders). The ladders of God are in the form of the Prophets and Imams. This means that the True Guide himself first climbs the ladder of ascension, rung by rung and then becomes the ladder of God to help others ascend in the same way.

Fruits of Paradise (28)

This verse has been referred 1 times.