
Surah: 011 - Ayah: 082

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related refs 105:4, 56:75, 59:21, 28:57, 27:18, 27:17

In verses (11:82; 15:74), it is said that the township of the disobedient people of Hazrat Lut was destroyed by the raining upon it of the pebbles of sijjil, layer on layer. The ta1wilic aspect of this event is that, such an event had also taken place in the personal world of the Perfect Man, in which the disobedient were destroyed spiritually, and In this destruction of the disobedient people, the souls of the mumins had participated as the Divine force. In this context, an important point regarding sijjil is "layer on layer (mandud)", whose ta'wil is that there are many other souls in the soul of a mumin.

Precious Treasures 49

The subtle particles which constitute subtle matter and soul are the spiritual army, therefore, one of their names is junud (armies), which have destroyed many disobedient people in the past. They have many names, such as Gog and Magog, who destroy the personal world in order to reconstruct it; hijarah (pl. of hajar, stones, 11:82; 105:4), the stars which have fallen from the heaven (56:75); the mountain of soul which has shattered into pieces (59:21); the fruits of everything (28:57), the ants mentioned in verse (27:18), the armies of Hazrat Sulayman which consist of jinn, man and birds (27:17), and so on and so forth. They have many other names.

Practical Sufism and Spiritual Science (54)

This verse has been referred 1 times.