
Surah: 012 - Ayah: 022

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related refs 28:14, 12:53, 75:2, 89:27,

Youth and Spiritual Progress:

One special allusion of the Wise Qur'an, which is full of the kernel of wisdom, is that youth is the best time for spiritual progress, because it is in this time that the jihad against the carnal soul becomes very productive and fruitful. Thus, God granted Prophethood and wisdom and knowledge to almost all the Prophets in their youth and then they became role models for the people of the world in exemplary manners and in the greater jihad, as mentioned separately about Hazrat Yusuf (12:22) and Hazrat Musa (28:14) that they were given wisdom and knowledge in their youth and in both places the following extremely pleasing wondrous secret is mentioned:
"And thus do We recompense those who do good" (12:22; 28:14). That is, the most successful way in which the Prophets did good, is that first, by doing spiritual jihad, they transformed the carnal soul (nafs-i ammarah, 12:53) into the censoring soul (nafs-i lawwamah, 75:2) and the satisfied soul (nafs-i mutma'innah, 89:27). This is the meaning of doing good to oneself before doing it to others. Then they did good to other people in a real sense.

Spring Of knowledge 22

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