
Surah: 012 - Ayah: 043

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related refs 12:6, 12:21, 12:44, 12:101

The word Ta`wil: For seekers of wisdom it is important to ask what the primary meaning of the word ta`wil is and what is its purpose? The work ta`wil is derived from alif, waw, lam and is an infinitive on the measure of its second form ta`fil, which literally means “to return something to its origin (awwal).” Technically ta`wil means “to return or take back the meaning of a word, to its batin (esoteric aspect), to its spirituality and intellectuality, to reveal the reality of a thing from the veil of allegory or parable.” For example in verse (12:43) the seven cows are a parable, not reality. Thus ta’wil is another name for the wisdom which is from God.

Pure Intellect 38

Ta'wil (Tacbir: Interpretation)

Verses (12:43-44) show that ta'wil is also called tacbir, the knowledge of which is with the Imams, as God taught Hazrat Imam Yusuf the ta'wil. (12:6, 21, 44, 101).

Thousand Wisdoms 191 (107)

This verse has been referred 1 times.