
Surah: 013 - Ayah: 013

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Mawlud-I Nurani (Luminous Child): Among the numerous examples of Intellect, one of them is the luminous child. This is because Intellect contains all examples and comprises all realities and recognitions. Thus when the Light of Intellect arises in the personal world of arifs, the luminous child is born. In verse (13:38) is found the universal principle that all Prophets had wives and children. But this is not true in a physical sense because how could Hazrat Yahya and Hazrat Isa have children when they had avoided the very marriage? It is clear therefore that the wives and children of the Prophets mentioned in this verse are spiritual ones. Furthermore it would be useful for you to study Chapter 46 of Wajh-I Din on the subject of marriage and fornication.

Pure intellect 14

This verse has been referred 1 times.