
Surah: 013 - Ayah: 016

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Tacma (It/he becomes blind)

It is said in verse (13:16): "Say: Are the blind and the seeing equal to one another? Or the darknesses equal to light?" This shows clearly that in this world the majority of the people are those whose hearts are blind and in comparison to them the mu'mins whose inner eye is open, are very few. However, Divine vision is possible with the inner eye.

Thousand Wisdoms 219 (18)

Q435 Please also explain the comparative similitude mentioned in verse (13:16): “Say: Are the blind and the seer equal to one another? Or are the darknesses and the light equal?”


  • A darwish saw in the world of imagination that a dignitary (buzurg) was giving him many pairs of spectacles, one after the other. Its ta’wili allusion became known that many eyes can come into existence in an individual’s external eye.
  • Thus, if someone has not attained the eye of certainty, in reality, he is blind.
  • The seer is the one who can see all the external and internal miracles of the true religion.
  • By darknesses are meant [levels of] ignorance.
  • The fountainhead of knowledge is living. He has several streams and the greatest of them is related to knowledge.
Casket of Pearls Vol 1 (209)

This verse has been referred 4 times.