
Surah: 015 - Ayah: 016

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related refs 37:6, 41:12, 67:5

as-Sama’ ad-dunya (The nearest heaven)

The nearest heaven is mentioned in verses (15:16; 37:6; 41:12; 67:5). This is the heaven of the personal world, which due to its being under the seven spiritual heavens, is the nearest one, as mentioned in verses (37:6-8): "Verily We have adorned the nearest heaven with an adornment of the stars and have protected it against every rebellious devil, (so that) they are not able to listen to the (conversation of the) exalted chiefs.".

Thousand Wisdoms 458 (245)

In verse (15:16) it is mentioned: "Verily, We have made constellations in the heavens, and have beautified them for the beholders." As mentioned in the above, the constellations (buruj) are palaces. However, they have not been seen by all, rather only by those who are capable of seeing. They are the arifs, who have seen the living flying palaces of Paradise, which are subtle bodies.

Practical Sufism and Spiritual Science (148)

This verse has been referred 2 times.