
Surah: 015 - Ayah: 079

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The Meaning of Imam:

Question: What is the meaning of Imam while in our literature, it means religious guide?

Answer: Literally, Imam means chief, leader, guide, i.e. the one who is followed. Imam also means a path, which you can see in verse 15:79 of the holy Qur'an. If the Imam is a path, which path is he? He is the straight path, (sirat-i mustaqim). As Qazi Numan explains sirat literally means the path. Here the Imam is likened to a path because he who follows the path never goes astray similarly he who follows the Imam never goes astray. Thus, here by path is meant the Imam, not the trodden path on the earth (Asasut-ta'wil, pp. 61-2).

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