
Surah: 016 - Ayah: 069

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related refs 55:52, 36:36, 47:15, 24:35

A prominent mention of the science of medicine in the wise Qur’an, is in the verse (16:69), where it is said about honey that in it is healing for the people. This furnishes not only a bright proof of Qur’anic medicine, but also indicates that the wise doctors should do research and experiment on those flowers and fruits from whose nectar, honey is made, and develop the science of medicine.

Book of Healing (28)

In verse (16:69) of the noble Qur’an, in addition to the internal medicine, light is also shed on external medicine. In fact, there is such a medicinal treasure for both soul and body in this verse that its blessings never come to an end. This treasure is honey, which is the honey of the knowledge and wisdom of the Qur’an, as well as the external honey. Wise people are invited to ponder and reflect upon honey in this verse, so that each of its aspects may be observed with the eye of insight, that it is among the wonders and marvels of the Creator of the universe. In the process of making honey, first of all, the Divine law put together the four elements and extracted their quintessence which appeared in the form of vegetables (brakes, brambles, trees etc.). This quintessence was extracted again in the form of flowers and fruits. Then the bee was commanded to extract it a third time, which is the nectar. Then the Divine hand extracted it a fourth time, which is the honey. Then God, through His perfect power, placed in it a special healing. Now, when a Muslim uses honey in his diet and medicine, with this reference of the Qur’an and believes with soul and heart in the Divine medicine, then he will receive abundant benefits both externally and internally.

Book of Healing (45)

The physical healing and its great importance in the wise Qur’an can also be estimated from the noble verse in which God, the True Wise and the Absolute Doctor, regarding the medicinal efficacy and benefit of honey, says: “In it (honey) is healing for mankind (nas).” (16:69). It should be remembered that here the word “mankind” is used in an absolute sense. That is, there is no restriction and condition of time, place, age, etc. This means that it works like an elixir, not only for every kind of sick people, but is also extremely beneficial for the healthy people of every age, whether they live in hot countries or in cold regions, whether they belong to the ancient times or to the modern scientific age. Without any discrimination and difference, it is extremely efficacious and beneficial for all human beings. This also shows that it is a remedy for all diseases, for in the above noble verse, it challenges every disease. Further, this point should also be mentioned here that (in the above verse), attention is drawn to the medicinal efficacy and benefit of all kinds of fruits and flowers, when God, the Knowing, the Wise, commanded the bee: “Then eat of all fruits” (16:69).

Book of Healing (124)

In this connection, one special invitation to reflection is in the verse: “In it (honey) there is healing for the people” (16:69). Certainly this injunction is with regard to both the physical as well as the spiritual honey, which is evident from the following proofs: a) It is utterly against the law of Divine benevolence and mercy, that there should be sweet honey for the dense body, but no honey of their own kind for the subtle soul and the noble intellect. b) The law of the noble Qur’an is that of the Supreme Paradise. For it is an intellectual Paradise full of the fruits and bounties of knowledge and gnosis, and all the fruits of Paradise are in pairs (55:52). c) All the things of God’s Godhead and kingdom of God are in pairs (36:36). Thus, it is inevitable that there be the internal honey to correspond to the external honey. d) One of the four rivers of Paradise is of honey, by which is meant the river of wisdom. For the intellectual honey is nothing but wisdom (47:15). e) Almighty Allah gives similitudes of realities and gnoses, to the extent that He does not spare Himself from giving His own example (24:35). Thus, physical honey stands for the pure (spiritual) honey, namely wisdom, in which there is healing for every kind of spiritual disease.

Book of Healing (264)

Q509 The four rivers of paradise are extolled in the wise Qur’an (47:15). Among them is the pure and clear river of honey. Physical honey is also praised medicinally. The Qur’an also mentions in (16:68-69) how the bee continues to receive innate guidance. Could you recommend a book of material science which provides important information about the bee and honey?


  • There is a Burushaski proverb which translates: “When the teeth were sound and healthy there was no bread, when the bread became available the teeth have disappeared!”
  • Honey is a sweet and viscous liquid food produced in the honey sacs of various bees from the nectar of flowers. The nectar is ripened into honey by the inversion of the major portion of its sucrose sugar into the sugar’s levulose (fructose) and dextrose (glucose) and by the removal of excess moisture.
  • For its annual consumption a middle sized beehive requires four tofive hundred pounds of honey.
  • Bees have to make twenty thousand journeys to the fields andgardens to produce one pound of honey.
  • For commercial production honey is acquired from apiaries. The colour and the fragrance of honey depend on the kind of flowers from which nectar is extracted.
Casket of Pearls 2

Q510 With reference to (16:68-69), it is necessary to reflect on the wonders and marvels of the bee. Please tell us how we can do this?


  • It is said that the bee also produces wax in addition to honey.
  • All honeybees are social insects and live together in nests or hives. There are three castes or classes: the workers, which are undeveloped females; queens, which are bigger than the workers; and males or drones, which are bigger than the workers and are present only in early summer.
  • The workers and queens have stings, the drones are stingless. Both queens and workers lay eggs, but only the queens’ are fertilized with the drones’ sperm and develop into females. The eggs of the workers develop into males.
  • Queens are not hatched as queens; they become so when fed royal jelly, a substance produced by the salivary glands of the workers. The eggs hatch in three days into larvae known as grubs. All the grubs are fed royal jelly at first, but only the future queens are continued on the diet. When fully grown the grubs transform into pupae. Queens emerge in 16 days, workers in three weeks and drones several days after the workers.
  • After emerging the queens fight among themselves until only one remains in the hive. She then attacks the old queen, who leaves the nest with a swarm to form a new colony.
  • Bees communicate with one another through signs and movements. For instance, if a bee returns to its hive and dances, it is a sign of discovering a new treasure of nectar.
Casket of Pearls 2

This verse has been referred 8 times.