
Surah: 017 - Ayah: 040

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related refs 43:019, 53:027

Q238 What is the ta’wili secret of the Qur’an’s objection against those who consider angels to be women?

A238 There is no doubt that mu’mins (male and female) become angels by their spiritual progress in knowledge and cibadat. However, when an angel for some reason appears as a woman in a dream, one should not consider that it is a woman. For instance, a mu’min, who was imprisoned by a certain government, saw one of his sisters whose name was Najat, in a dream. In reality this was an angel. An angel sometimes speaks and sometimes only alludes. Since “Najat” means deliverance, therefore coming in the guise of Bibi Najat was an allusion to that mu’min that very soon, he would be delivered from imprisonment. Qur’anic references: 17:40; 43:19, 53:27. Al-hamdu li’llah!

Casket of Pearls Vol 1 (116)

This verse has been referred 1 times.