Surah: 017 - Ayah: 099
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The body to which the soul of a mu'min is transferred after death is called the body of similitude (jism-i mithali), because even though it is luminous and subtle, it is like the physical body in shape, and therefore, it is called the body of similitude. For Qur'anic references see verses (17:99; 36:81; 38:43), in which the word "mithl (like)" is used for the body of similitude.
Q524 In the higher world the soul of every individual is like his physical form, but since that is the subtle world it is on the perfect level of beauty and elegance. Is there any wisdom-filled allusion to this fact in the wise Qur’an?
A524 • Indeed, there is the explanation of everything in the Qur’an (16:89). Reflect on the wisdom of verses (17:99; 36:81) in which by misl (like) is meant the soul: “Is not He who created the heavens and the earth able to create the like (misl) of them?” (36:81) That is, Allah is able to create “likes” of them, taking them from their bodies to their homomorphic souls. • See also verses (56:61; 76:28). This is called jism-i misali (body of similitude) and the same is every individual’s homomorphic soul.
This verse has been referred 2 times.