
Surah: 017 - Ayah: 104

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related refs 21:104

It is through knowledge and gnosis that the scope of your goodwill expands until it comprises all human beings. For according to the law of the personal world, it is by expanding your own soul that all people are created, therefore without their being enfolded in you (17:104), neither can you be perfect and complete, nor can you reach the presence of God. Thus it is necessary for every mu'min to have goodwill for all mankind, in the light of knowledge and gnosis.

Book of Healing (217)

Lafif (Enfolded, gathered together)

It is said in verse (17:104): "But when the promise of the hereafter comes, We shall bring you all rolled up together." Since the souls of the people of the time were spread from the Single Soul, therefore they are again gathered together in it and taken back to the hereafter. That is, all people are annihilated in the Perfect Man who undergoes resurrection, and through him they become one person and go to the presence of God.

Thousand Wisdoms 781 (411)

When the representative resurrection of the Perfect Man (Single Soul) takes place, Allah gathers the people of the entire world in him in the form of subtle, living particles, then gathers them and elevates them to the place of intellect (forehead) as one face in the form of a Single Soul, as mentioned in verse (17:104): "Then when the promise of the hereafter comes, We shall bring you all enfolded together."

In this enfolding is meant the inner aspect of the universe, not its external aspect, so that the arif may receive the greatest treasure of knowledge and recognition in the Sacred Sanctuary. Study verse (21:104): "The day when We will roll up the heavens as a written scroll is rolled up. As We created (the universe) the first time, We will repeat it." That is, when the salik reaches the desired destination (the destination of annihilation), there, for the sake of his ease, God enfolds and confines the vast universe of knowledge and wisdom. The same example applies to the Glorious Qur'an too, which for the sake of emphasis and attention is mentioned four times in the surah of the Qamar (Moon).

Practical Sufism and Spiritual Science (132)

This verse has been referred 6 times.