
Surah: 018 - Ayah: 074

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related refs 18:80, 2:67

Great wisdom is hidden in a nightmare. For it is among the tests of God and contains wisdom-filled allusions. It does not harm the intellect, the soul of faith or the body, it harms only the carnal soul. In this act, on the one hand it alludes to do abundant dhikr-u `ibadat and good deeds, and on the other, it signals that the present carnal soul is rebelling time and again, therefore it should be killed in the path of God, as Hazrat Khidr had done (18:74, 80) so that God may replace it with a pure soul, called the satisfied soul (nafs-i mutma`innah).

Book of Healing (243)

Each of the laws of the Prophets is free from giving a command that a person who is as yet innocent, but there is a fear that he may commit a crime in the future, should be killed physically. This shows that the killing of the boy (18:74,80) was not in a physical sense, but it was the killing of the carnal soul in the personal world, whose parents were the intellect and the soul of faith. The killing of the carnal soul and “Die (spiritually) before you die (physically)” is also implied by God in the spiritual aspect of the story of the killing of the cow, which is mentioned in the Qur’an in verses (2:67-73).

Book of Healing (243)

This verse has been referred 1 times.