
Surah: 020 - Ayah: 010

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related refs 27:7,28:29, 27:8

The unique miracle of the Mighty Qur’an is such that whichever of its subjects you study you will find it spread throughout it. For example, take the example of the fire of Mount Sinai (20:10). It is not confined to Hazrat Musa but is that old light and wise treasure, without being annihilated in it there has neither been a Prophet nor a Wali. The same meaning is found in vrse (27:8): “ Blessed is whosoever is in the fire and whosoever is around it; and hallowed is God, the Lord of the worlds.” Think carefully about the meaning that here one is fire, namely light, and the other is a person who being annihilated in it has attained eternal life, and become blessed thereby, and luminous blessings are also granted to those around the Light, but God is above and free from all things. It is evident that this is the same universal principal and is an invitation to the destination of annihilation and recognition of the Prophets and the Imams, examples of which are to be found throughout the Wise Qur’an.

Pure Intellect 50

Qabas (1) (Live coal, firebrand, spark, flame, flame of burning wood)

Qabas or miqbas means the flame which is taken from a big fire. The fire which is mentioned in verses (20:10; 27:7; 28:29) in the Qur'anic story of Hazrat Musa, is the fire of love, the lamp of guidance and the light of Intellect as well. It is among the miracles of the wise Qur'an that unique secrets are hidden everywhere in it, as mentioned in verse (20:10): "When he saw a fire he said to his family: Wait here, verily I have seen (Ànastu) a fire." Here in Ànastu there is a subtle allusion. It was possible to use "ra'aytu" instead of "anastu", but in the latter there is an allusion to the ardent love and affection for the light, because the words which are derived from its root letters (hamzah, nun, sin) have the meanings of familiarity, kindness, love and solace.

Thousand Wisdoms 680 (362)

Qabas (2) (Spark of light)

Prior to the mention of the bringing of the spark of light or flame in verse (20:10), there is the mention of Allah's beautiful names in verse (20:8), which is an indication that by the grace of God, the True Guide can establish a luminous bridge of ism-i azam between himself and his followers. He can initially give them a spark of light and gradually perfect it, but there is the pre-requisite of love, knowledge and good deeds on the part of the followers.

Thousand Wisdoms 681 (362)

This verse has been referred 4 times.