
Surah: 020 - Ayah: 050

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All creatures, or all things are in ranks and there is divine guidance according to the needs of every rank. Thus none of the minerals, vegitables, animals and human beings are without Divine guidance, as it is said in verse (20:50): Musa said: Our Lord is He who gave to everything of the world of command a material from in the world of creation, then guided it to the desired destination. That is, He made it return to the world of command. This universal law shows that a thing ultimately returns to its place or origin.

Sublime Realities 83

It is mentioned in verse (20:50): "He (Musa) said: Our Lord is He Who gave to everything (of the world of command) a (creational) form (in this world), and then guided it." This universal law shows that the creation of every level is given guidance according to its need and nothing is exempt from the universal law of guidance. It should be noted that guidance is related only to the soul of whatever level it may be, and without soul, it is not possible to accept guidance. Thus, it is the universal guidance which is mentioned in the above verse.

Practical Sufism and Spiritual Science (125)

This verse has been referred 3 times.