
Surah: 022 - Ayah: 053

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Nafs (Soul) or ruh (Spirit)?

Q. 17. What is the difference between nafs (soul) and ruh (spirit)? How many ranks of the human soul are there in the Quran?
A. The custom of the people is different from the reality. So, in reality, nafs and ruh mean the same thing. Thus, when we say “nafse-I ammarah (the carnal soul)”, its meaning indicates a lower level and when we say “nafs-I mutmainnah (the satisfied soul)”, its meaning indicates the higher level of the soul. And the same is true of the “ruh-I haywani (animalssoul)” and the “ruh-I insane (human soul)”. This shows that whether it is nafs or ruh, it has levels. In the Holy Quran, there are three stages of the human soul: nafs-I ammarah (the carnal soul) (22:53), nafs-I lawwamah (the censoring soul) (75:2) and nafs-I mutmainnah (the satisfied soul) (89:27)

What is Soul 8

This verse has been referred 1 times.