
Surah: 023 - Ayah: 097

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related refs 23:98

Jinni devils can mislead people in two ways: One by insinuating in the heart and the other by appearing in front of people, as it is said in verses (23:97-98): "And say: O my Lord, I seek refuge in you from the (evil) promptings of the devils. I seek refuge in you, O my Lord, lest they come to me." It is evident from this Qur'anic teaching that the jinni devil can also be present before people. This means that, just as the evil spirit can be present in the subtle body, the good spirit, too, can be present in the subtle body.

Spring Of knowledge 61

Q340 Verses (23:97-98) mention not only the evil suggestions (hamazat) of satans, but also that they can appear before people. Thus, the question here is that if satan as a misleader (muzill) can do so much to spread evil, does the Imam, as the true guide, not have anything to counteract his evil deeds?


  • Why not? The Imam has many things rather he has everything!
  • There are numerous examples of his light. It is like a telephone, a military signal and wireless.
  • The Imam possesses the supreme miracle of the ibdaci body and hence he can appear in front of a devoted mu’min in this luminous body.
  • There are many exalted places of the holy didar in the spiritual world (batin) as well, but here our focus is on the celestial body of the Imam and how tremendous that miracle is!
Casket of Pearls Vol 1 (165)

This verse has been referred 1 times.