
Surah: 026 - Ayah: 080

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In verse (26:80), the word healing is used about Hazrat Ibrahim, may peace be on him. It is said: “And when I am sick, then He heals me”. Hazrat Ibrahim believed in God of both the worlds as the real Doctor of body and soul and the Causer of all causes and the Provider of all means. For, although undoubtedly, medicine is a means and the doctor is also a means, but the Creator of every means is God Himself, Who has, with the exception of death, sent a medicine for every disease. That is to say that, the soul of every medicine comes from the treasure of God and the soul is not only movable but also immovable and solid (frozen). The movable souls of precious stones and minerals enter the depths (lit. breasts) of the mountains and become solidified so that, due to this rest and stillness, the particles of soul may be able to transform a small quantity of stone into a ruby or an emerald, etc. In short, soul is hidden in everything and in every medicine and works according to the law of nature.

Book of Healing (46)

This verse has been referred 3 times.