
Surah: 026 - Ayah: 224

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Shicr (Poetry, poem)

Hazrat Ibn cAbbas reports that the holy Prophet said: "Indeed, in some of the poetry there is wisdom." That is, there can be wisdom in the poetry of those poets who adhere to true guidance, otherwise the holy Qur’an condemns those poets who do not follow the true guidance and have gone astray. (26:224).

Thousand Wisdoms 473 (253)

In the light of the Qur’an and the Hadith, it is realised that poets and poetry are of two kinds. One kind of poets are those who, due to their being linked to Divine guidance, defend the truth and their poetry amounts to the rank of jihad. For such poets it is possible to receive the help (ta’yid) of the Holy Spirit and their poetry contains wisdom to a greater or lesser degree. The poets of the other kind have deviated from the sirat-i mustaqim, the straight path, and therefore, their poetry is nothing but a cause of deviation and going astray. (See verses: 26:224-27).

Gems of Ma'rifat (Preface)

This verse has been referred 2 times.